S: Spirituality
[S2] Part of a Bible commentary series that is world renowned.
[S3] Thoughts from a retired clergyman who enjoys the contemplative life.
[S4] This is an excellent introduction to the person of the Holy Spirit as well as His power.
[S5] The conversation, letters, ways, and spiritual principles of Brother Lawrence… who in his monastery kitchen discovered an overwhelming delight in God’s presence.
[S6] It explores the guidelines and challenges that Quakers have evolved over 350 years. These spiritual experiences strive to put love in action a s a way of life and the heart of the Quaker worship.
[S7] A treatise on women in the church written at a time when women were being considered for priestly ordination.
[S8] An inspirational book of collected poems, prayers and individual stories, written by men, women and children from across the ages - together they paint a glorious picture of Jesus and illustrate the incredible depth of his character.
[S9] A series of striking meditations on Jesus’ seven last words from the cross, written by the former Archbishop of Canterbury.
[S11] This is about the Way of St Benedict, a humane and gentle way.
[S12] Wayne Dyer puts forth a powerful notion: namely that our ultimate purpose is to fulfil a spiritual destiny…. drawing from various spiritual traditions, especially from the prayer of St Francis of Assisi, Dyer helps us unplug from the material world and connect to the divine within.
[S13] Discover the comforting reality of life after death through one woman’s personal experience.
[S14] During his life, through books and retreats, John Main promoted the practice of meditation as a way for modern people to develop a deeper spiritual life.
Selected and introduced by Laurence Freeman
[S15] A book in which Laurence Freeman shows that the basic experience of contemplation is the experience of faith, and that we all need to develop this in order to become fully human.
[S16] A series of lectures which form a compact, specific and practical book on Christian education for those who have responsibility of delivering Christian education in our schools.
[S17] A manual to help those undertaking a 30-day retreat to draw closer to God. Useful for both a director of a retreat and for those exploring St Ignatius, to understand his worldwide influence in helping his fellow Christians to deepen their faith.
[S18] A series of meditations, written by a Holy man of our time, this is a series of meditations: ‘a loving guiding light to all those in search of ultimate Truth’.
[S19] Convinced that different faiths lead to the same God (which not everyone believes) this book explores the way people of different faiths can enrich each other’s spiritual journey, with particular reference to Bede’s experiences in India.
[S20] A statement of belief by one of the most important and influential thinkers in the church - a scientist before ordination.
[S21] These daily readings offer gentle encouragement and wise inspiration for those who wish to grow in contemplative prayer.
[S23] This offers a collection of spiritual experiences to help overcome those blockages which prevent a deepening of 'soul silence'.
[S24] Bishop Holloway writes for all sorts of people struggling between belief and unbelief in a post-Christian age.
[S25] ‘A really refreshing look at the Bible’s teaching about what it really means to be free in Jesus.’ Family
[S26] Encouragement to develop an approach to life that looks beyond our own concerns.
[S27] ‘A powerful book that encourages us in our weariness, challenges us in our comfort and invites us to rediscover the beautiful possibilities that God places before us daily.'
[S28] Based on his own experiences of darkness in his inner spirit, Nicholas King relates to us all in his recognition that there is something missing in our lives, until we find God.
[S29] A companion volume to Martin Laird's bestselling 'Into The Silent Land'.
[S30] Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury, wrote “This book is different. There are plenty of books on contemplation that feel rather tired - either wordy and laboured or unhelpfully smooth and idealistic. But this one issharp, deep, with no clichés, no psychobabble and no short cuts. Its honesty is bracing, its vision utterly clear, it is a rare treasure.”
[S33] According to the Church Times “He has never written better. Nearly every page scintillates with observations, which are illuminating, provocative and original.”
[S34] “…An excellent introduction Christian tradition.”
[S35 ] John Main has written what some people consider three classics on the way of meditation: all three are presented in this volume.
[S36] Written by a Benedictine monk, the purpose of this book is to teach us first how to be at peace with ourselves in order that we might let the presence of Christ flood our whole lives and our relationships.
[S37] Some sayings of the Desert Fathers. One of Thomas Merton’s favourites among his own books.
[ S38] “In these pages…anyone will find a guide, an friend, a teacher walk - and dance - with” writes Laurence Freeman OSB, Spiritual Director of the World Community for Christian Meditation.
[S39] Watchman Nee became famous for his liberating teaching on effective Christian living. His books have influenced millions of readers.
[S40] The themes of homecoming, affirmation and reconciliation are explored.
[S41] In this book, Henri Nouwen invites us to search deeply for well-springs that nourish our spiritual life, by looking to the example of the 5th century Egyptian Desert Fathers and Mothers. This book leads the reader not only to a fuller encounter with God but also to a more creative relationship with our fellow human beings.
[S42] The author invites you to consider the incredible potential that awaits you outside your comfort zone - deepening of character and trust in God.
[S44] Provides guidelines, biblical teaching, and practical examples on the many aspects of a Spirit-filled ministry.
[S45] “Worship is not so much about engaging with people, as engaging with God”
“This book is about God, and living a devoted life in His presence”
“Worship is about God, to God and for God”
“In days when the church is in grave danger of turning the worship of God into performance or entertainment, this book is a necessary and prophetic corrective” Mike Pilavachi
[S46] In these daily reflections, Richard Rohr invites us to rediscover the spring hidden inside each of us. He reminds us of our inherent belatedness and God’s indwelling presence.
[S47] Scripture as Spirituality The reflections in this book seek to unite what should never have been separated: sacred Scripture and Christian spirituality.
[S48] Based on the Talks for the Spirituality course (developed by David Gillett, once Principal of Trinity College, Bristol), and taught there by David Runcorn. “Spirituality Workbook is .. ‘a book of riches and surprises; a guidebook for explorers who want their spiritual life to go deeper; an invaluable aid for those seeking to travel faithfully in a strange land; and it is itself a journey through the many facets of Christian spirituality.’
[S49] A collection of poems based on the teachings of the 13th century mystic Meister Eckhart.
[S50] Society today shows signs of disintegration. Institutions such as the monarchy, parliament and the Church itself, have come under intense scrutiny and deeply disturbing weaknesses have been exposed…. In the midst of such perplexity, this book invites us to ‘survey the wondrous cross’…. so that we can find our bearings and get our confidence in the way God deals with the confusion and destructiveness in the world. Tom Smail is a retired priest, and was a Vice-Principal of St John’s College, Nottingham.
[S51] “Across a seemingly unbridgeable culture gap, these very human saints of the Egyptian wilderness speak to our condition in the new demon-filled deserts of the urban West.”
[S52 ] Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama look back on their long lives and ask “how do we find joy in the face of life's inevitable suffering?
[S53] Desmond Tutu distils the wisdom forged throughout his life into the childlike simplicity which Jesus tells us characterises the Kingdom of God.
[S54] Four broadcast talks given in 1936.
[S55] George Verwer is the founder and former International Director of Operation Mobilisation. “Immensely readable and full of the practical aspects of spiritual principles.” Evangelism Today
[S56] A down-to-earth book of thoughts from the Bible.
[S57] Award winning author explores grace at street level. If grace is God's love for the undeserving - what does it look like in action?
[S58] Part of Sarum Theological Lectures series, this book brings together Frances M Young’s years of Biblical Studies scholarship, preaching, and her personal experiences of caring for a son with profound learning disabilities.
[W1] Whether you're completely new to church or have been coming to church for a while, this little book is here to help you.
[S1] Meditations on the hymn ‘Be thou my vision’.