Journey For a Soul
[B2] The author, an experience spiritual guide, passes on to readers thoughts and insights he has found helpful. A book to be read slowly allowing the mind to “wander and go off at tangents in the stimulation of any thought or prayer”
A Silence and A Shouting: meditations and prayers
[P3] Eddie examines different types of prayer from silence to shouting. Prayer can be resentment, irritation, impatience.
The Plain Man's Book of Prayers
[ P4] One of the best-loved of all William Barclay’s books, in which we find sound guidance and true holiness.
Praying The Jesus Prayer Together
[P5] Brother Ramon (the hermit) and Simon Barrington-Ward (the bishop) had been practising and teaching the Jesus Prayer for well over twenty years when they came together for a shared week of prayer at Glasshampton Monastery. This book shares what they learned in an experience they described as a week of glory, yet also marked by the physical suffering of Brother Ramon’s illness.
Marked For Life
[P6] A new edition of a modern classic. ‘She speaks to the busy executive, the housewife, the perplexed, the joyous… Probably only once a decade will there be as good a book about prayer.’ Expository Times
A Prayer for Today
[ P7] This book will change the way you pray, what you dare to believe God for, and what you experience as a result!
How to Pray
[P7] Pete Greig has been teaching on prayer - and leading a nonstop prayer movement - for 20 years. Now, for the first time, he puts his life's work into a response to the question everybody ultimately asks: how do I pray?
Poetry and Prayer
[P9] A Lent book in which the nature of private prayer is examined, and the role of the arts, and poetry in particular, can be an aid to prayer.
Prayer a Beginner’s Guide
[P10] A simple yet thought-provoking introduction to what prayer is and how it works -includes many helpful suggestions.
The Art of Worship
[P11] Paintings, Prayers, and Readings for Meditation, written by a former Vicar of St Martin-in-the-Fields, on the doorstep of the National Gallery, before he became Bishop of Salisbury.
Finding God in the Fast Lane
[P12] A joyful book seeking to show that busyness need not be a curse, it can be an opportunity.
Awakenings: stories and prayers
[P13] Prayers to take us below the surface, deep into human emotion.
Discovering Prayer
[P14] A book to help people understand prayer. It is a guide to effective and enjoyable ways of praying.
You Have a Minute, Lord? : A Sort of Prayer Book
[P15] Prayer covering a wide range of everyday subjects - sad, funny, thoughtful and thought-provoking.
Companions of God: Praying For Peace In The Holy Land
[P16] Janet Morely is Adult Education Adviser at Christian Aid.
Meditations on The Way of the Cross
[P17] Meditations that follow the fourteen stations of the cross, filled with passion and insight.
Whole Prayer: Speaking and Listening to God
[P18] A book exploring how to deepen our experience of prayer.
Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference?
[P19] A quest to unravel the mysteries of prayer by multi-award winning spirituality writer Philip Yancey.
Living the Jesus Prayer
[P20] A simple guide for all who are new to this ancient spiritual practice and making it part of their daily prayer.